Have Mercy - Deleted Scenes
Note: Takes place the night of Chase and Ruby's wedding, and in the days afterRuby changed into her pajamas in the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She'd already used makeup remover to dab the last remains of her wedding-day make up from her face.
Chase was in the bedroom. Waiting for her. Our bedroom, she corrected herself.
She'd gone back-and-forth several times on whether she should wear her bra. Usually she took it off at night. And she was trying to fit Chase into her life like he belonged here. This would all be easier if they acted like it was normal and not completely bizarre, right? But in the back yard at her mom’s house, there'd been some kind of moment. A tingle, a flash of something in her chest when he'd looked at her.
When he’d kissed her.
It was the whole wedding-day thing. Natural to feel something the day you married a guy. Especially when you were about to sleep in the same bed as him for the first time. This weirdness would pass, and they’d get used to it.
She decided to leave the bra on. She had no idea what that meant, but this felt like the right choice.
In her bedroom, Chase was under the covers, staring at the ceiling with his arms laid awkwardly over the blanket. Ruby crawled in beside him. On the nightstand, the baby monitor harmed with white noise. Haley was fast asleep after their action-packed day. She would be so excited when she woke up in the morning to find Chase still here.
Ruby’s head settled against the cool pillowcase. "I wonder what Haley thinks happened today. Sometimes I think she understands a lot, and other times she's clearly oblivious."
"Your guess is better than mine."
"But she loves you, that’s for sure. She'll love to have you around all the time." To Haley, it would probably seem like one of her favorite people had decided to live at her house instead of somewhere else, and what kid wouldn't adore that? "She's never had her dad, so, you know, it'll be nice."
Chase looked over at her from his pillow. "I hope so."
"I've known for a long time that Haley would eventually ask about her father. I still haven't figured out what to say."
"There's no right thing. My mom..." He gripped the bridge of his nose. "She left me and my sister, and now that we're grown, she's never tried to know us. Even your ex wanted to be some part of Haley's life, and trust me, that's the only good thing I'll ever have to say about him. No offense. At least Haley has that. Her dad wanted to know her."
Ruby laughed bitterly. "I was furious when I heard from Mickey, but now now I wish he'd had that chance. That Haley had the chance. Somebody took it away from her.”
Chase's hand reached across the blanket. Ruby twined her fingers with his. “That's what makes you amazing," he said softly. “Thinking of what's best for her.”
“I’m sorry about what happened with your mom. But I’m even sorrier for her because she missed out on getting to know you.”
Chase didn’t say anything, but he squeezed her hand.
It had been days since they'd gotten married, and Ruby had been keeping her spirits up. She’d been filling her time with cooking and organizing.
So freaking domestic.
Ruby liked to think of herself as that rebellious girl she'd been before, not just a mom. Certainly not a wife.
She paused as she stirred a bowl of chicken enchilada filling and looked down at herself.
Her body had returned to his trim shape from before her pregnancy, which had been no easy feat. Her cut-off shorts and tank top showed off her tanned skin and muscle tone.
After she’d had Haley, Devon had wanted her to be able to stay home, or at least have the option. Their mom had stayed home when they were kids, and it had been awesome. Every minute Ruby got to spend with her daughter was precious. Yet she also needed to embrace the different sides of her identity. Now that she was stuck back at home, without any other choice in the matter, it felt like her world was smaller. Like the walls were tightening around her.
And always, at the back of her mind—Mickey’s pleading eyes, the blood. The way he’d seen her, reached for her, as if he’d believed she could help. And she wished she could’ve helped...
Enough of that. This train of thought was getting way too close to feeling sorry for herself.
She set aside the enchilada ingredients and went into her bedroom. When she came back out, her hair was piled into a bun on the top of her head, and she'd dug an apron from some back corner of her closet. Bright pink lipstick provided the finishing touch.
She gave herself a wink in the mirror by the front door. There. If she was stuck here at home playing domestic goddess, she might as well look the part.
Haley got up from her nap an hour later, just as Ruby was putting a tray of cupcakes into the oven. She didn't even realize what time it was until Chase walked in the door.
Haley went running toward him, and he bent down to give her a kiss before heading into the bedroom. He emerged wearing a pair of jeans and a soft T-shirt. Haley lifted her arms, and Chase scooped her up, kissing her forehead. “Hey, bug. How’s your mama today?”
“Her mama’s been busy,” Ruby said from the kitchen.
Chase walked over and froze. "What are you wearing?"
Ruby posed, a bunch of green onions in one hand. “Vintage apron, from the Nana Whitestone collection. One of a kind.” She’d kept her cut-offs and tank top underneath. It had seemed to strike the right balance of irony, especially with the black nail polish on her fingers and toes.
She turned back to putting the finishing touches on their dinner. “Just trying to keep you guessing.”
“Around you, that’s a given.”
They brought their plates over to the table and sat. “How was work?”
“Haven’t heard much about the investigation into Mickey's murder.”
“I wasn’t…” She hadn’t been trying to pump him for information. She could imagine how awkward this must be for him. Being married to the prime suspect. “Never mind. I made cupcakes for after dinner.”
Chase smiled, and that look on his face was worth all the baking.
While she was icing the cupcakes that evening, Ruby rolled her neck.
“Are you tense?” Chase asked.
“A little.”
“Makes sense, with all the stress.”
“I’m fine.” Ruby went back to icing. She moved the pastry bag in a swirling motion, around and around. That was how she’d felt lately. Like her mind kept going back to the same places, only to end up back where she’d started.
Suddenly, Chase’s hands landed on her shoulders. His fingers kneaded into the muscles there. “Jeez, you’re tight.”
She almost told him not to bother, but the massage felt really nice. She set the pastry bag on the counter, closing her eyes. Chase’s strong hands moved up to her neck. He pressed the tightly wound fibers there. Then he slowly went back down her shoulders, then lower, along her spine over her tank top.
Ruby moaned. Wow, she’d missed being touched. Hadn’t even realized it.
Maybe that explained this intense feeling inside her. The tingles that kept racing across her skin.
“Is it too much?” he asked.
“No, it’s good. So good.” Ruby closed her eyes as Chase worked his thumbs along her shoulder blades. She dropped her head back against him. The scruff of his chin brushed her temple. The heat of his body warmed her back.
But just as suddenly as the massage began, it was over. Chase’s hands lifted. He stepped away and cleared his throat. “Um, I’m going to… I think I heard my phone.”
“Oh.” She turned to see him walking into the living room. “Thanks.”
“Sure,” he mumbled. “Don’t mention it.”
There was a strange tension in his voice. She couldn’t understand it, and she wasn’t sure if she should bring it up. Instead, Ruby went back to icing the cupcakes. Wondering what had just happened.